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Support Groups

The Samaritans 24/7 Crisis Hotline: 212-673-3000 or click here to visit their website.
When you call Samaritans you will be greeted by a warm and caring volunteer trained in active listening and providing emotional support who will ask how you are doing today and explore with you the thoughts and feelings you are having tied to what is going on in your life at the present time. He or she will also discuss with you the reason for your call and whatever challenges or difficulties you are facing and the anxieties or depressive feelings you are having without giving advice or expressing their own personal judgements.


United Way 2-1-1: Call 211 on your phone or click here to visit their website.
United Way 2-1-1 provides free and confidential health and human services information for people in Minnesota. We’re here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to connect you with the resources and information you need. Whether you are in crisis, or need a little support, we’re here to help.  Just call 211 or visit


Bloomington/Richfield Grief Coalition.  Churches in the Bloomington-Richfield area are working together to provide free support and education for adults who are grieving the death of a loved one. Click here to visit their website.


Books & Publications

  • Forever Ours: Real stories of immortality and living from a forensic pathologist, JanisAmatuzio

    • This  book presents heartfelt accounts exploring the realms of visions,  synchronicities and communications on death’s threshold. Told in the  voice of a compassionate scientist andmedical expert who sees death  every day, these stories convey the comfort the author has found in what  she sees and hears. (New World Library, 2004)

  • Beyond Knowing: Mysteries and messages of death and life from a forensic pathologist, Janis Amatuzio

    • The  author explores the wisdom the living might find in her accounts and  shows how that wisdom changes lives. (New World Library, 2006)

  • The Journey Beckons: Reflections on the way of the cross, Mary Ellen Ashcroft & Holly Bridges

    • A  collection of reflective writings by historic and contemporary writers  on the fourteen stations or events of the cross. The reflections help  the reader when hurting, grieving, or feeling lost. (Augsburg, 2000)

  • Loss of Dreams: A special kind of Grief, Ted Bowman

    • This  booklet was created by request of the speaker following a public forum.  It is his spoken version intended to be used as a conversation with the  reader to continue to reflect on the loss of dreams. With encouragement  to continue dreaming new dreams that fit life now and in the days  ahead. (Copyright 1994)

  • Andrew, You Died Too Soon, Corinne Chilstrom

    • One  of the few books that tackles the horrors following a suicide often  laid upon the grieving by well-meaning religious people and religious  communities. (Augsburg Fortress, 1993)

  • At the Death of a Child, Donald Deffner

    • This  book addresses the emotional, physical & spiritual anguish bereaved  parents experience and communicates the hope found in the Gospel. It  provides encouragement & comfort and discusses baptism in an honest  biblical manner. The book also includes prayers. (Concordia Publishing,  1993)

  • Helping Children Grieve: When someone you love dies, Theresa Huntley

    • This  book will help you listen to children, answer their questions, and  guide them in coping with their feelings when they lose someone they  love. It includes help for dealing with behavior changes often  accompanying a child’s grief. (Augsburg, 1991 & 2002 editions)

  • Finding Glory in the Thorns: Hope and purpose in life’s painful seasons, Larry & Lisa Jamieson

    • The  authors recount their incredible trials in attempting to help their  third daughter survive debilitating health and developmental issues. The  book provides and inspiring lesson for all who are seeking to  understand life’s lessons and relationship to God. (Ambassador  Publishing, 2008)

  • How it Feels When a Parent Dies, Jill Krementz

    • A  moving and insightful book about what it means to children when a  parent dies. Eighteen boys and girls, 6-17 -years-of-age, speak openly,  honestly, unreservedly of their experiences and feelings. Their stories  are recorded so children experiencing the loss of a parent may know that  others have felt the same anguish and guilt, confusion and anger-and  that these feelings are normal, even appropriate. (Alfred A. Knopf,  1981)

  • A Time to Mourn, A Time to Dance: Help for the losses of life

    • This  book explores significant losses including grief that comes with death,  divorce, unemployment, and other important losses that may impact one’s  life. It looks at how it feels and how it affects our lives and the  lives of those around us. It allows the reader to find meaning in grief  and coping strategies that help lessen the pain and promote healing.  There is an extensive chapter on where to turn for help when the burden  of grief is too much to carry alone–finding a support group, national  support resources, and a bibliography.

  • What  Will Help Me: 12 things to remember when you have suffered a loss &  How Can I Help: 12 things to do when someone you know suffers a loss, James Miller

    • These  books are a two-in-one publication. The purpose of What Will Help Me is  to lead the reader through days of grief with as much comfort and  security as is reasonably possible. The other side, How Can I Help,  provides 12 suggestions for what we might do and ways we might be when  someone we know has suffered a loss. Each step in each side is presented  in a two page layout.

  • Our Greatest Gift: A meditation on dying and caring, Henry Nouwen

    • The  author takes a moving personal look at human mortality. He shares his  own experiences with aging, loss, grief, and fear and gently and  eloquently reveals the gifts that living and dying can give to one  another. (HarperSan Francisco, 1994

  • How we Die: Reflections on Life’s Final Chapter, Sherwin Nuland

    • The  book relates the ways most of us are likely to die and, in doing so,  suggests how we may live more fully and meaningfully. The author, a  distinguished surgeon, describes the mechanisms of cancer, heart attack,  stroke, AIDS, Alzheimer’s disease with clinical exactness and poetic  eloquence and with the sensitivity of a man recalling his own intimate  losses. (Vintage Books, 1993)

  • A Book of Comfort: When you are suffering, Alvin Rogness

    • This  book is for times when the reader needs words of assurance and  encouragement. The short chapters describe stretches along the road that  the author and the reader have traveled-many times rejecting God’s  comfort, trying to go it alone and sometimes puzzled by the comfort God  seems to give. (Augsburg, 1999)

  • Praying Our Good-Byes: Understanding the spirituality of change in our lives, Joyce Rupp

    • Letting  go of what we cherish is one of the most difficult things we ever do.  This book can be a personal guide to accepting our inevitable goodbyes  and reminds us that when we are suffering the most deeply, the seed of  hope still lives within us. (Ivy Books, 1988)

  • The Message of Job: A theological commentary. Daniel Simundson

    • The  book of job shows how condescending and superficial attempts to comfort  someone who is suffering can be. The author combines theological and  pastoral concerns throughout the book of job. This book is a useful  resource for caregivers. general readers. study groups. and biblical  classes. Academic Renewal Press. 2001)

  • Faith Under Fire: How the Bible speaks to us in times of suffering. Daniel Simundson

    • The  author shows how the Bible can speak to the universal human experience  of suffering. He examines various biblical responses to suffering and  explains what the New Testament can add to such basic works as the books  of job. Ecclesiastes. and prophets. (Academic Renewal Press. 1991)

  • Five Cries of Grief: One family’s journey to healing after the tragic death of a son. Merton & Irene Strommen

    • A  journey through shock and grieving to coping with loss. The book goes  beyond telling the authors’ story to identify the sources of healing  that helped them cope with each facet of grieve. (Harper Collins. 1993)

  • Heaven: Your real home. Joni Eareckson Tada

    • Do  you wish you knew more about what awaits after this life? This book  offers a refreshing and faith-filled picture of the glorious destination  the Bible promises for all believers. (Zondervan. 1995)

  • A Gift of Hope: How we survive tragedies, Robert Veniga

    • A  moving. beautifully written book that gives the reader the  understanding and self-assurance to overcome the anger and loneliness.  the suffering and pain of a personal travail: the loss of a loved  one-any loss in life. A practical and inspirational guide to help  express sorrow and begin the process of healing. (Ballantine Books.  1985)

  • Mourning into Dancing. Walter Wangerin

    • Defines  the stages of grief. names the many kinds of loss we suffer. shows how  to help the grief-stricken. gives a new vision of Christ’s sacrifice and  shows how a loving God shares our grief. (Zondervan Publishing House.  1992)

  • Good Grief, Granger Westberg

    • This  book expounds a healthy. Christian attitude toward grief. It encourages  feeling rather than suppressing your emotions and allowing Christ to  help you work through your suffering. (Fortress. 1971 and large print  Augsburg Fortress. 1997)

  • Field Notes: A geography of mourning, Sharon White

    • This book is the author’s map back to finding herself following the untimely death of her husband. (Hazelden. 2002).

  • The Critical Moment: How personal crisis can enrich a women’s life, Margaret Wold

    • A genuine help to anyone facing the anguish of work through a personal crisis. (Augsburg. 1978).

  • Suicide, Why?: 85 questions and answers about suicide, Adina Wrobleski

    • An  easily read question-and-answer format. For general public, caregivers  and professionals, and suicide survivors. Readers may go directly to the  area of most interest or read only the questions to get an overview of  the most recent knowledge about suicide. (Afterwords, 1989)

  • Where is God When It Hurts, Philip Yancey

    • An  inspirational best seller for over 25 years, this book has been revised  and updates to explore the many important issues that have arisen  during that time. This unique book discusses pain-physical, emotional,  and spiritual-and helps the reader understand why we suffer from it and how to cope with our own and that of others.

  • Letters from the Land of Cancer, Walter Wangerin

    • The  author offers these letters to answer questions about what it means to  live well and die well. Life and death are presented as a testimony to  faith, love, and hope. (2009)

  • Confronting Death, Walter Wangerin (DVD)

    • Drawing  from his experience with cancer, the author presents a Christian  approach to the end of life. As faithful people, we can approach death  with hope and peace. (Paraclete, 2009)


Children’s books in the TLC Library  

  • What Happened When Grandpa Died?, Peggy Barker

    • This book presents life and death in terms a child can understand.

  • My Grandpa Died Today. Joan Fassler, Human Sciences Press Inc. (Copyright, 1983).

  • What Happens When We Die? Carolyn Nystrom

    • Children will see for themselves the reasons people die.

  • What’s Heaven? Maria Shriver

    • This  is a story of a little girl whose great-grandmother just died. She  seeks answers and her mother helps her learn about heaven.


Other resources outside the TLC Library

  • A Grief Observed, C. S. Lewis

    • In this book author Lewis writes about how one’s faith is affected by the loss of a loved one. A classic. (Copyright, 1989)

  • Winter Grief, Summer Grace: Returning to life after a loved one dies, James Miller

    • This  book offers relief to anyone experiencing such a lost; done through  reflective text, color nature photographs and suggestions for healing  activities that can help survivors cope with the grief and begin their  lives again. (Augsburg. 1995)

  • Cry Until You Laugh: A practical approach to grief and death. Richard J. Obershaw, MSW, LlCSW

    • An  extremely helpful, practical book on grief and its many facets. The  author shares his observations, thoughts and insightful analysis,  coupled with many case histories to illustrate major points. This book  is of practical value both to those going through a grieving process and  those professionals who deal daily with people who grieve. (1992)

  • Grief. Grace & Glory, Marie Sundet

    • This  book is an account of the author’s niece, Patrice’s, journey with  gliobastoma multiforme, a deadly brain cancer. In the foreword, the  author writes “I write this account of the life of one experience with  brain cancer. It conveys grace and glory as well as grief. Patrice was a  shining example of how to live and how to die.”


Scripture to turn to in times of grief and loss

Stillbirth or death of a newborn




Anxiety. Apprehension & Fear




Impending death or irreversible illness


Anger. bitterness. self-pity. turmoil


Acceptance of inevitable death


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