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Worship is central to our lives together as followers of Jesus Christ. Within the Lutheran tradition, our understanding is that God is made known to us primarily through three ways: through the preached Word of God, the nourishment offered by Jesus’ own Body and Blood at the Table, and the mutual love and support of the gathered community. All who come are invited to participate fully. Note: those worshiping online are invited to join communion by providing their own bread and wine/juice.


Get Involved: Contact Michelle Reber at


Lector: Reading during service. Family-friendly.

Usher: Assist with service guiding congregants, offerings & attendance.

Greeter: Welcoming all who come for service. Family-friendly.

Communion Assistant: Serve communion during service. 

Hospitality: Serve coffee and treats.  Family-friendly.

Altar Guild: Prepare the altar and set-up for communion.

Pew Crew: Organizing & stocking supplies in the pews. Family- friendly.

TLC choir


Music preaches and proclaims the word of God alongside the spoken Word in every worship service. The musical gifts of the community are invited and welcomed.

TLC Choir: Leads the congregation in worship. Contact Deacon Susan Wold Rohde at

Praise and Worship Team: Leads worship monthly. Rehearses Sundays at 8:30am for service at 9:30am. Contact Mary George at or Phetsamone Ekholm at

Handbells: Offers special music monthly. Rehearses Mondays at 6:30pm. Contact Mary George at

Brass/Woodwinds/Strings: Adults and senior high students who love to serve God by playing their instruments. Contact Deacon Susan Wold Rohde at

weddings baptisms and funerals

Weddings, Baptisms & Funerals

Get Involved: Assist with set-up and clean-up for funeral luncheons as-needed.


Weddings: TLC pastors and musicians are available for weddings for members and non-members. 

Baptisms: Baptisms can be scheduled on almost any Sunday. A meeting with a pastor will be arranged prior to the baptism. 

Funerals: TLC provides funeral services and memorial services for members and non-members. Prior services can be viewed on our YouTube Channel


For more information, contact Pastor Elise at

pastor paul exodus study

Adult Faith Formation

1st and 3rd Tuesday Bible Study: Using “The Greatest Story” Bible study which begins with Genesis and ends with Revelation. 10am at TLC. Contact Judy Pittelkow at

Faith, Fact, and Fiction: Discuss a book, assist with library organization at church, and fellowship. Second Thursday of the month at 1pm at TLC. Contact Lois Nornes at (952) 240-0811 or

Gib Lee Men’s Thursday Morning Bible Study: Discusses Bible texts for the coming week. Thursdays 9am in the Conference room. Contact Bob Riley at

Pastor-Led Bible Study: Every Sunday at 8:30am. Coffee and discussion in the narthex with the preaching pastor.

Women’s Bible study: There are several women’s circles that meet in homes or at TLC. Contact the office for more information.

Mission Outreach

Missions & Outreach

TLC members actively volunteer with many of the following.
To get involved, Contact Janice Millford at


Mission and Outreach Team: Plans service projects in the community, collaborates with various outreach partners, makes recommendations to Council regarding possible mission partners. 

Mission Partners: All organizations listed receive financial support from TLC through our Benevolence giving. * Indicates that TLC members actively volunteer at that organization. Contact the church office to get connected with an active TLC group.

Wilderness Canoe Base*: ELCA Canoeing outfitter and Family Mission Camp host.

Every Meal*: Weekend feeding program at Westwood Elementary.

Tapestry Lutheran: Hispanic ELCA congregation in Richfield.

Meals on Wheels*: Providing home cooked meals to home-bound Bloomington residents.

VEAP*: Providing food and housing support for low income Bloomington residents.

TLC Early Learning Center*: TLC’s in-house Christian child care and pre-school.

Beacon Inter-Faith Housing: Combating homelessness in Minnesota through construction of low-income housing.

Oasis for Youth: Outreach for youth experiencing homelessness in Bloomington.

Exodus Lending Minneapolis: Freeing low income people from pay-day loan traps.


Feed My Starving Children*: Global emergency feeding program.

Center for Changing Lives*: Liberia - school tuition and after school programs for Ebola and AIDS orphans in West Africa.


N.E.O.N: Northside Economic Opportunity Network.


knitters 1

Addiction Awareness Team: A 12-Step based group that meets to provide support and recovery resources to TLC’s members and community. Contact Beth Rahn at
952-393-9817 or


Care Mail Crafters: Design, create, and mail cards to TLC members who are homebound or in need of a reminder that someone is thinking of them during a difficult time. Contact: Jamie Wannigman at

Homebound Communion Ministry: Share communion with shut-ins who cannot get to worship or those in
long-term rehab. Contact Pastor Paul Rohde at


Memory Bears: The mission is to create Memory Bears that warm your heart, provide you with some comfort, and remind you of the special times shared with your loved one. Contact Linda Meyer at (612) 730-9696 or

Prayer Team: An e-mail-based group that prays confidentially for requests as they are sent in to the church. Emails are sent out with prayer requests by the pastoral staff on a weekly basis. Contact Brian Simonson at

Prayer shawl ministry: K3P3– Knit or crochet prayer shawls and baby shawls. Contact Brian Simonson at


Stephen Ministry: Ministry to people experiencing grief, illness, crisis, or difficult changes in life. Stephen Ministers are members of TLC, trained in compassionate Christian care. Contacts: Bob Riley at 

TLC Garden Team: During springtime, we procure flowers, plant them, apply mulch, and fill two pots to beautify the entrance of TLC's parking lot. Reach out to Karen Daniels to be a part of the "grounds crew" (952) 948-1679.


TLC Senior Group: We gather on Monday mornings for group activities, games, coffee, treats, special events and more. If you would like more information, contact Bob Riley at

Civic Series: If you would like more information, contact Jerry Hilleren at


Election Map

Electoral Timeline

How to become the President of USA

Family ministries

Children, Youth & Family

Fall Registration: Click the buttons below for more information and to fill out each form. Please return the forms and payment (Cash or Check) to the Church Office.

Payments can also be made here: Online Giving

Children Ministry          Youth Ministry












Sunday School: Faith Formation for ages 3 - grade 4 during worship. Children join their families in worship during the Sharing of the Peace. 

Club 5/6: Wednesday nights at 6:30pm at TLC for 5th-6th graders.

Confirmation: Wednesday nights at 6:30pm at TLC 7th-9th graders. 

Peer Ministry: 10-12th graders providing leadership for their younger peers on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm at TLC.

College/Military Ministry: Keeping in touch with, praying for and providing support to college students and those serving in the military. Contact Sandy Stooke at

Camp Ministry: TLC partners with Lake Wapogasset Lutheran Bible Camp and Wilderness Canoe Base to provide summer camp opportunities for TLC families and friends. More at

​Service Learning Trips: During non-ELCA Youth Gathering summers, our high school youth become the hands and feet of Christ by working alongside others in a community, experiencing God in profound and life-changing ways.


ELCA Youth Gathering: TLC sends a group of youth every three years to this global event. Next up: Summer of 2027 in Minneapolis. More at


Faith Milestone Ministry: We celebrate and acknowledge faith milestones, markers along life’s journey that say, “This is something important, and God is here, too!” Milestones include Baptism, Communion Instruction, Confirmation, Graduation and more.


TLC Fan Club: Support our kids by cheering them on at sports, choir, band, orchestra, dance, theater, and other events. Learn more here: Fan Club


Vacation Bible School (VBS): Print registration form HERE


For more details about Children, Youth and Family Ministry,

contact the office at

Children's Ministries
youth ministries
adult ministries

Adult Ministries

Global Health Ministry: Sort, pack, and inventory medical supplies to be shipped to clinics and hospitals throughout the world. 

Men’s Golf League: All skill levels welcome. Tuesdays, May-August at 5:30pm at Hyland Green Golf Course. Contacts: Bob Riley at, Don Kleven at,  Keith Swanson at Sign-ups begin in April.

Quilting Group: TLC “Nutty Knotters” - Piece, tie, finish quilts that will be donated to those in need locally and worldwide. Meets at 9am on Fridays. Contacts: Irene Bjerke at (952) 888-7303, Florence Head at, or Judy Lindman at

Walkers (TLC Walkers): Walkers meet at outside parks or indoor areas for fellowship and exercise at 9am on Wednesdays. Contact Donna Hedlund at

Justice & Advocacy

Justice and Advocacy

Justice and Equity Team: Explores racial justice and ways to create awareness and encourage racial equity.  

RIC (Reconciling in Christ) Ally Team: This is a support and advocacy group for our LGBTQIA+ members and allies. Contacts: Jane Voss at, Sandy Mullen at


administrative teams

Administrative Teams

Financial Team: This team is directed to develop and implement clear strategies for financial stability of TLC. Contact Pastor Elise at, the Council treasurer, and Finance Administrator, Nancy Waldack at

Library Team: Maintains the church library. Contact Karen Wenge at

Personnel Team: Assists the pastor(s) in addressing HR and personnel related issues. Contact one of the following people:

Pastor Elise at

Deb Knight at​

Janice Millford at

Steve Jorschumb at

Michael Johnson at

Stewardship Team: Creates the annual Stewardship campaign along with the pastor(s) and encourages the contributions of time, talent and treasure of TLC membership. Contact Nancy Waldack at

Mission and Outreach Team: Plans service projects in the community, collaborates with various outreach partners, makes recommendations to Council regarding possible mission partners.
Contact Michael Johnson at

TLC Church Council: The elected governing body of the congregation. See Council page here.

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