In-Person Worship
Guidelines approved by TLC Council
effective July 4, 2021
Sunday Services
Approximately 60 minute services with self-serve communion (currently under COVID guidelines)
8:30am Service
Masks are optional.
10:00am Service
Masks are recommended and encouraged for all in-person worshippers
out of solidarity and concern for the unvaccinated and those with underlying health conditions.
This recommendation is consistent with CDC current policy and will be reevaluated and updated for the month of August.
We also ask that you wear a Nametag (available in the Narthex) - it's been a while since we've seen each other! And on your nametag, please place a Colored Sticker to indicate your comfort level:
o Green – handshakes and hugs are welcome
o Yellow – fist or elbow-bumps only, please
o Red – wave or Peace Sign only, please