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June 11, 2021 Covid Update



God is here. You can be too.

We Welcome You to Sunday Worship

In-Person at 8:30am & 10:00am

Services will also continue to be live-streamed

Beginning now we will have two Sunday services. At 8:30am, masks will be optional for fully vaccinated people, but required if you are not vaccinated. At 10:00am, masks will be required for everyone, in order to allow un-vaccinated people to be safe, especially our children and youth who are still not able to receive their vaccinations.

We also ask that you wear a Nametag (available in the Narthex) - it's been a while since we've seen each other! And on your nametag, please place a Colored Sticker to indicate your comfort level:

o Green – handshakes and hugs are welcome

o Yellow – fist or elbow-bumps only, please

o Red – wave or Peace Sign only, please


At 8:30am worship we will continue to follow CDC guidelines for in-person gatherings: masks for those unvaccinated, masks optional for those who have been vaccinated. We do request that those wishing to sing along with the hymns wear a mask.

At 10:00am worship masks and distancing will be required to allow children, youth and other un-vaccinated individuals to feel welcome in worship and help curb the spread of COVID-19.

There will be no registration for worship or number cap on attendance.

Communion will be provided in pre-packaged containers and people will partake in their pew.

People are welcomed but not required to wear masks for outdoor worship.

For the month of June, hospitality will continue outdoors, including ice cream treats (depending on weather).


Per TLC’s COVID Plan, all ministry teams are able to meet in-person and unmasked if all participants have been vaccinated. If some members are not vaccinated, they must still wear a mask in order to meet in person.

The COVID Response Team will continue meeting on a weekly basis, monitoring the local numbers, and using the CDC as a reference for ministry recommendations to the council. Thanks for your continued patience and commitment to the ministry we share during this time.

You can view the daily case count at the following Hennepin County website.

It may take several seconds to display all the data.

Bloomington numbers are on page 5.

Hennepin County COVID data dashboard


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